Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Goals.

It's October 6th and I haven't made my goals for this month yet, oh gosh! Here goes...

-Finish editing the last 10 or so pictures of Kristen and Donny*
-Relearn how to play the piano, now that I have one!
-Work on and finish Alicia's birthday present*
-Join a community group at my church* (for some reason this is intimidating to me...)
-TAKE MORE PICTURES! I've really been slack about finding time for this..*
-Run, Run, Run! At least 3 times a week, for now.* (I have kind of failed at the 3 times a week thing, but I have good excuses: it rained, and now I'm sick. Can't run under those conditions!)
-Read scripture or journal EVERY DAY!*
-Sign up for some races! (anyone want to train/run with me?)
-GO TO CLASS! This may sound like a no-brainer... but it's been kind of hard for me this semester, especially when it comes to financial management...
-Rehang/replace the mirrors that have fallen off my walls.
-Clean! My room is a mess.
-Play some tennis, it's been too long.
-Spend more time with my grandparents.

* from last month

I guess that's about all for now, my brain is kind of fried and all of the non-sleep/sick crap is catching up with me. I did learn some interesting things this week from the brickyard preacher, but that might have to be saved for another post...

Until next time,

Monday, October 4, 2010

I have the BEST brother ever!

Last Friday, myself and 4 friends decided to head on home to my wonderful house in Fuquay for a delicious home cooked meal with my mom! Little did we know that my oh-so-amazing "little" brother was going to come home from ECU with his roommate for a surprise visit. I was so shocked yet so happy to see him walk through that door! But it doesn't stop there.

For those of you that read this regularly (if any of you do?) you might remember this post...

On Thursday my brother told me that he had a gift to give me the next time he comes home. I figured it was something from ECU because I've thrown so much State stuff at him that it's about time he returns the favor, but nope, I was wrong.

He pulled this baby out of his pocket:

Okay so when he first handed this to me, it was wrapped all up in bubble wrap/other stuff so I couldn't see the thing on the lid, all I could see was the teal colored box. I'm not going to lie, my first thought was, something from Tiffany's?!?! Yeah because my brother, the part time chick-fil-a worker, is rollin' in the dough. But turned out to be something better than anything from Tiffany's :)

I love my brother!! And the fact that he actually bought this for me, for no reason, makes me so so happy. I normally don't happy cry but I came very close on Friday when he gave me this. He is the best little brother ever and he is maturing into such an awesome person! Brother, if you're reading this... I LOVE YOU!

That's all for now. Go hug your brothers.
