Monday, March 22, 2010


My roomie Hillary Scizzales ( is an awesome model. (and blogger if I do say so myself)

A few weekends ago Hills and I decided to venture out to Lake Johnson because it was FINALLY a sunny, gorgeous, warm day after a way too long and too cold winter. On this adventure I of course brought my gorgeous Nikon D5000 aka the love of my life. With the beautiful day and a beautiful roomie and an amazing camera I'd say I got some pretty good pictures, so enjoy! Oh and yes, she's single...feel free to tell your friends ;)

This is the love of Hillary's life: the satchel.

Welp there ya have it! I have finally blogged after a month. I hope the pictures were worth your time :)

Adios amigos,


  1. :)

    (thanks for the personal ad by the way)

  2. very niiiice! Hillary's gonna have to fight em off now! Great pics babe!
