Sunday, February 21, 2010


This past week has been so so so so crazy. Tons of tests, social plans, and work, no time for blogging. Oh geez. Here's a little glimpse at my awful last week, enjoy. :)

Last Friday (the 12th):

Statistics test, so much fun. Minus the fact that there were only 17 questions, so missing four results in an 80 (technically less than that, but he counted them as 5 off for every wrong one) So yeah, an 80 isn't horrible, but still. Womp.

Then came the weekend, which was a lot of fun! I went to blowing rock for a winter retreat type thing and it was amazing, just tons of snow. Blah. Then Sunday was Valentines day and I spent it with my wonderful boyfriend :) He got my some gorgeous roses, and cooked dinner for me...he's a keeper!

Then came Tuesday (the 16th):

Accounting. SICK. One of my least favorite subjects ever, all because my teacher really cannot teach. The class honestly probably wouldn't be that bad if he taught something. But oh well, I taught myself and did fairly well! But I still hate it, especially since I will NEVER need this stuff ever.

Wednesday (the 17th):

Marketing. My major(ish). Not horrible. I still don't know my grade but it was fairly easy. I actually like that class. It was just stressful because I had like zero time to study between my ACC test and this test. Boo school isn't fun.

Thursday (the 18th):

I hate econ. It's probably worse than Accounting, to me. I think I get it but then bam, there's the test and I'm so lost. I don't think I did great on that test, lame. Than again Wednesday wasn't the best day for studying. I had class, work right after, and than the Maryland basketball game an hour after that. Maybe that wasn't the best thing to plan to do that night? But it's okay, it was fun.

So there's my lovely week last week. I feel like teachers like to plan tests all around the same time because I know I'm not the only one with back to back tests. Gah! Why can't we be back in elementary school??

This weekend was good though, and very much needed. Also, I think I am on the track to being a photographer for the Technician at NC State, sooo exciting! I have a training assignment type thing on Thursday, and than another one sometime after that, and then if all goes well I think I'm official. This is probably one of the greatest things ever. Even after this stressful week God is still so good to have blessed me with this awesome opportunity!

Ok welp, that's all. Adios amigos!

1 comment:

  1. You are the only person Ive ever known who has made macroeconomics and math look cool! Thats a gift. Congrats on the job! i know you will be the perfect girl for that position. It was made for u! I mean taking pictures of guys playing tennis..DUH! That screams brittany hines. haha
