Monday, December 12, 2011

A way overdue training update + weekend fun

I think it's been like 4 weeks since my last training update, whooooops. How about we play catch up? Because I'm sure you all really care about how my training is going... ;)

Week 8 (11/14-11/20)
Tuesday: 3 miles, 27:37 minutes.
Wednesday: 2.01 miles - 18:06 minutes
Thursday: No run today, my ankle was pretty sore.
Saturday: Again, no run...
Sunday: 4.26 miles, 42.38 minutes. Ankle didn't really bother me during the run, but hurt a bit after.

Week 9 (11/21-11/27)
Monday: 3.47 miles, 39 minutes. Ran with a friend :)
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving! Ran the Turkey Trot with my mom and some friends - 3.23 miles, 32ish minutes.
Saturday: 3.02 miles, 33 minutes.
Sunday: 4.51 miles, 49 minutes. Kind of exhausted during the run. Had cramps and my shoulders/arms felt pretty tight too.

Week 10 (11/28-12/4)
Tuesday: 3.01 miles, 30:23 minutes.
Wednesday: 30 minutes on the elliptical - 1.52 miles. Also did some crunches when I got home and some arm stuff, using candles as weights :)
Thursday: 4 miles, 47:18 minutes. Went running with a friend :) We did 3.25 miles running then walked the rest of the way.
Saturday: 3.52 miles, 36:50 on a treadmill at my Dad's gym in Kansas. I hate treadmills.
Sunday: Nadaaa...whooops.

Week 11 (12/5-12/11)
Tuesday: 4.01 miles, 41 minutes.
Wednesday: 3.1 miles, 30 minutes in the rain...after I took my last final ever!
Thursday: Treadmill 1.71 miles, 19ish minutes. Ran at an incline of 5 for some of it...which was hard! Stopped running early and walked for a bit.. then attempted to do the elliptical for a bit but wasn't feeling that great. Did some ab stuff when I got home.
Saturday: Bike at the gym - 9.22 miles, 40 minutes.
Sunday: 5.01 miles, 51 minutes - outside. It was a super cold and windy morning...but the run went wonderfully :)

...and now you're all caught up!


This past weekend was a wonderful, relaxing weekend :)

Friday night, some friends and I went bowling at a local alley right across the street from NC State. It's so old school that you have to keep track of your own score, that was interesting to figure out ;) but it has a nice little bar too, and bowling + beer = a great combo!

 We played a total of 4 games and guess what? I actually won one of them! I may have came in absolute last place in all of the other games...but really, that's not important.

 Yes that 82 would be MINE! I guess it's probably pretty sad that that was the highest score, huh?

On Saturday I attempted to sleep in, but instead I woke up at 8:45 and couldn't go back to sleep...of course. That afternoon I headed home to spend some time with the family and decorate the christmas tree! Loooooove putting on some awesome christmas music and decorating :)

Sunday I got some pictures taken of me in my cap and gown and I love how they turned out! I can't believe that in just a few short days I will be GRADUATING from NC State! Just 4 1/2 years ago I found out I was accepted...

and now look at me!

Thanks to Nancy Thomas Photo for the picture!

Gosh I can't wait! It's going to be such a bittersweet weekend filled with so much family and friends :) But first, to survive the week... 

Happy Tuesday!

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