Wednesday, February 3, 2010

730 Days

Meet Jeff.
Two years ago today (730 days) he passed away in a car accident. Normally I probably wouldn't really be all for blogging about something like this, but I feel that right now I just need a way to let out all of the emotions that I've kept pent up today. I've never had anyone really close to me die before, and it was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. It's hard to describe in words what it's like to go through that kind of loss, and even two years later dealing with it is just as hard. There are so many memories; so many dreams about what it would be like if he were still here, blessing the world with his smile and the sound of his laugh. He was by far one of the most loving guys I've ever known. Not only was Jeff goofy and fun, but he also had such a kind heart. He could make anyone feel comfortable in any situation, that was just who he was.

Sometimes I really just wonder why a person like Jeff could be taken so suddenly from this world, and at such a young age. I just don't understand it. Just like the Kenny Chesney's song says, "It ain't fair ya died to young, like a story that had just begun...but death tore the pages all away." It's seriously just not fair. And I know that things like this happen all the time, it just never really hit home to me until I saw his name in my phone and realized that I would never be able to talk to him or hear his voice again. But ya know, I guess that's life.

So, as if this blog entry isn't Jeff-filled enough, I just figured I'd just share some more about Jeff and the memories that I have from the short time that we were friends. I've realized that it's not all about focusing on his death, but instead focusing on the great times that were spent together...

Okay, so I met Jeff my senior year of high school in Mrs. Subat's forensics class, which turned out to be a pretty fun/insane class. We met because we sat next to each other, and well that was a poor seating choice on our teachers part because we got nothing done most of the semester. Gradually, I got to know him throughout the year and just grew to really like the guy I knew. He was so much fun and always smiling, it was rare if Jeff was ever upset or mad about something and he showed it. At one point during class, we decided to call ourselves King Tut and Queen Elizabeth. Honestly, I couldn't tell you where we got it from, but those were our names for each other. It was our own unique little thing, different from anyone else, and the names stuck with us up until his death. Eventually, we began going out to lunch with some other people in our class during our lunch breaks at school, and thus I got to know him even more. Which then in turn lead to all of the notorious bon fires at his house...those turned out to be some memorable adventures. Of course with Jeff there was always an adventure. Whether it was spending time with him or just talking to him, there was never a moment without laughter.

Through it all, I don't think I'd be able to pinpoint one moment that stands out above the rest; senior year was just full of Jeff filled events. And although now he is gone and I won't be able to make any more memories or laugh with him anymore, at least I know that I will always have these memories to keep with me forever and that he is now up with our Father, looking down on all of us. So Rest In Peace Jeff, you are forever in all of our hearts, and always on our minds. Miss you my King'll never be forgotten.

Well yeah, not exactly a blog entry that fits the whole "life through my lens" theme, sorry. This whole thing has just really been on my mind today and since I'm horrible at displaying my emotions, especially ones like these, around other people, I just decided to resort to the good ole blog. So yeah...I guess that's it for now. I promise next blog will be more photography based, but for now hopefully you at least have some insight on the kind, loving guy that Jeff was.

Adios amigos,

1 comment:

  1. I cannot express how touched I am by this brittany. your blog post is so heartfelt and real. I have really enjoyed all your blog posts so far and am blown away by your incredible pics,even after the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time seeing them. Hope more are coming! cant wait! its really inspiring and makes me want to take pics too!
