Friday, February 5, 2010


I love sunrises. I think they are absolutely breathtaking and even though to see them it requires getting up earlier than I ever want to get up they are completely 100% worth it.

Over Christmas break I was visiting my dad at the beach and one morning, in 30 degree weather, I decided it would be a good idea to bundle up and go watch the sunrise at 7am. I was insane. It was absolutely freezing cold and very windy. However, I'm glad I did it and I'd say I got some good pictures out of it. Yay for my new Nikon D5000 and pretty sunrises :)

Those are some of my favorites, I love the beach and sunrises, they're so perfect together! So obviously I'm very new at the whole blog thing, especially the whole picture blog thing so just hang in there cause I'm just sort of all over the place now, but whatever, it's my blog. :)

Well yeah, that's really all I've got for now, I'm just sort of at a blank for what to say. Sorry this blog is sort of pointless in comparison to the others, oh well. I do want to leave you all with this wonderfully amazing quote that I am newly in love with though. During a red zone meeting last night the speaker included this in his talk and I just think it is such a good quote, it's just everything summed up in one. So, I just want to share it and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!

"Ask God to forgive you. He absorbs your sin and you absorb His righteousness. Abandon yourself. Embrace God. Rest in all that He has done. And do not try to add anything to it. Do not try to live a life the puts icing on the cake. Let it be the righteousness of Christ, from top to bottom. Forget the rules. Live as though there were no law. Live as though the only thing that mattered was God’s grace and mercy, His love and power, the fact that He accepts you, forgives you and loves you."
- Martin Luther



  1. Brittany your pictures are AMAZING! I love your blog so much! Please keeep posting! And the quote of course, so good! :)

  2. These are beautiful, Hines!!!
    You are such a talented photographer!!
    Keep it up, girl!
