Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today was one of those days when the weather was just absolutely perfect.

I love how it feels and looks outside after it has just rained. It was sunny, cool, and best of all...not humid! There was even a nice little breeze, and I love breezes. Today was my ideal day. But what am I doing instead of enjoying this?

I went to classes. I went to work. And now I have to catch up on an assignment due tomorrow that I haven't had time to start yet. So much for running, or tennis, or pictures, or etc etc etc...

Life's just not fair.

But at least I get to see Josh Duhamel's sexy self on the big screen in about an hour and a half. :) That I can't complain about...


1 comment:

  1. 1. pretty pictures.
    2. your arms are mad skinny.
    3. Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel
