Sunday, December 12, 2010

"pictures to blow up"

While procrastinating (something that I have become so very good at) today, I was going through various pictures on my computer. One of the folders that I have on my computer is titled "pictures to blow up" aka all of the pictures that I found print worthy back at the beginning of the school year. Although some from this folder should definitely not be printed anymore, I did find quite a few that made me smile that are worthy of sharing!

For starters, meet the love of my life...

I know I look like complete crap, but isn't he just so sexy? Why oh why did you have to leave NC State before I was a student?!

And on to something else I love...

...dancing with my adorable little cousin at a family wedding!

This will be my future home one day. Or if not Cinque Terre exactly, then something very similar to it. 

Once upon a time, aka last summer, my two roomies and I went to a Backstreet Boys concert. Yes, that's right, I said Backstreet Boys. So I think it's pretty self explanatory as to why this was in the folder. It was only the best night ever.

Last Thanksgiving up in Maryland, the start to our little tradition of running a 5k on Thanksgiving morning!

The best friends a girl could ask for and some NC State football! (this picture actually is printed out and hanging up in my room right least I got around to printing one of these!)

My little baby brother graduated high school! Yeah, I'm still finding it hard to believe. I also love this picture because I love the dress I have on and this is one of the few times I've actually worn it!

This is Florence, my second home for a month. It seemed like such a long time then but looking back it definitely wasn't long enough! I would give anything to go back there and do it all again...minus the losing my wallet part.

And these handsome men are our friends from Italy! But, they aren't Italian. They're from Argentina! I was able to practice my Spanish, which was pretty interesting. (I'm minoring in Spanish)

There's something about this picture that I just love. I took it accidentally on a bus tour in Rome with Jasmine (right before we got left on the bus as it headed back to the garage) and I just love how it happened to turn out.

So yes, this picture probably seems ridiculous, which is why I love it. This would be our version of Italy. You've got Danella as the big tower by the Duomo, Lauren is the Duomo, I'm the baptistery, Jessie is the David, Laura and Jasmine are the Ponte Vecchio bridge, and Emilie is a tourist. Oh, and yeah, there's also that sketchy guy to our right. Why wouldn't I want to print this?

And lastly, one of my favorite places on earth...

Venice, Italy. I love that no one owned a car and that everyone drove boats and that the buildings were breath takingly gorgeous. And yeah, even the pigeons everywhere were kind of fun sometimes...

Go ahead, call it gross. But you would have done it too given the chance. And don't worry, this isn't a picture in my blow up folder...

And that would be a few of the pictures that make me smile! I know most of them are from Italy, it was a huge part of my life so far and I absolutely loved it. I also took a nice trip down memory lane today with my mom and went through a majority of my pictures from Italy, so I guess I've got Italy on the brain! Perfect for finals time, right? Right...


1 comment:

  1. Aww Italy! Whenever I work on my scrapbook I get all sad again. I LOVE that our friends from Argentina were in there, I miss them! We TOTALLY should've stayed out with them that night!
