Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Phone Dump

I seriously had no idea what to blog about today, but I felt like I needed to blog about something! So I've decided that I'm just going to dump all of my recent and somewhat exciting iPhone pictures out on the blog. Fun, right? I know you're excited.

So, here's what I've been up to...

First off, I've been doing plenty of traveling with friends, our most recent journey was to Bull City slash Dirty D slash Durham...

I've survived an earthquake (and a hurricane, in the same week)...

I celebrated two of my best friends birthdays!

Hillary and I before going out to celebrate!

Alicia's faaaabulous birthday cake made by yours truly ;)

I spent some quality time with my sweet little piggy, Fanny

I also got to spend some time with my greaaat friend, Mr. President...

Okay, maybe not really. But he DID come to NC State for a speech and caused all kinds of problems for me. I had to walk the suuuuper long way to class because my normal route was blocked off...what's up with that?!

I did plenty of studying, but with this as my gorgeous view :)

I pretended to be like Einstein....

Yes, I realize that there might be something wrong with me for a) taking this picture and b) sharing it with the world. Just as a heads up though... I'm not actually that fat (I was laying down) and I promise I'm actually a relatively normal person :)

A relatively normal person that goes to Office Depot one afternoon with her roommate to write crazy things on the notepads with their pens...

Yeah, you know you want one of those pens too.

And lastly, I leave you with this picture I took last night after eating dinner with my grandparents, mom, and step-dad...

It was such a gorgeous night :)

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty pretty pretty! (Except maybe you as Einstein, that was kinda creepy...)
