Tuesday, May 8, 2012

South American Adventures!

Well, 3 countries, 7 hotels, 2,000+ pictures, 11 days, and countless memories later... I'm back!

The trip was pretty dag on amazing! It's crazy that it's all over now and I actually have to go back to my job and the real world. I don't want to! Obviously I have tons of pictures to go through, and a lot to share so it will be a little while before I have some recaps up, but for now enjoy some pictures from each day :)

Day 1: Flying over the Caribbean on the way to Lima, Peru!

Day 2: Flew to Cusco and took a tour of the city in the afternoon, it was a beautiful day. 

Day 3: Drove around through Sacred Valley, stopping at various places to see ruins, markets, beautiful overlooks, and LLAMAS!

Day 4: First day in Machu Picchu (LOVED it) and Aguas Calientes!

Day 5: Second day in Machu Picchu. The fog gave it a very mystical and beautiful feel...

Day 6: Off to our next stop, Iguazu Falls!

Day 7: Toured the Argentina side of the Iguazu Falls and took a boat ride right under some of them...got soaking wet!

Day 8: Brasil side of the falls!

Day 9: First full day spent exploring in RIO DE JANEIRO, BRASIL!

Day 10: City tour on this gorgeous day before heading home! Loved this city.

Day 11: And after 18 LONG hours of flying, we made it HOME!! Even though it was only 11am I couldn't resist a chocolate milkshake :) 

Well that's a very short, vague summary of our trip! More pictures and full details soon!! Now to go catch up on life... 


1 comment:

  1. didn't you hear, I asked for a llama for my birthday. Wish it would have fit in a suitcase. Darn. haha :D
