Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hillawy Scawels!

So, I'm sitting here at my computer at 10:15 at night (and no I did not finish this blog in one sitting, so if you're wondering why later there is a reference to the next morning then that's why) thinking to myself, I want to blog. I say out loud "Hillary, I want to blog, what should I blog about?" her response... "Me." Yes she was joking, but she asked for it, so here goes. Get ready for the best. blog. ever.  

Meet Hilldy.  This is my roommate and also one of my best friends! You may recognize her from many blog posts ago, although now her hair is darker than it was before. So, let me just tell you some things about Hillary...

#1: Her and I are nothing alike.
Okay minus the fact that we both share the same sense of humor and just tend to 'get' each other, we probably have nothing else in common. She spends her time watching Single Father, I spend mine watching teenage soap operas. She likes classic movies, I don't. She hates country, I love it. I enjoy sports, she's exhausted just thinking about them. She enjoys watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, and knows basically ALL the answers and well...I just don't. And the list goes on and on...

#2: She is also known as "Veronica."
Sometimes Hillary gets in these weird moods where her voice changes to a snobby person named Veronica. I highly recommend that you experience this at least once in your life time. That's all that I can say about it though.

#3: She is an awesome blogger.
For real, check it out. One minute she's talking about inappropriate spam, the next febuhairy, and the next childhood memories. So, if you like a funny blog with some variety... then read it.

#4: She makes the best videos ever.
Yeah so the one that I really wanted on here wasn't working, but let's be real...this is equally as funny. Oh and side note: that ending voice is the voice of Veronica.

#5: She's a white trash diva.
I know it may look like it, but I promise she's not pregnant. 

#6: She loves Harry Potter just like everybody else
So get this, not only is she going to the midnight showing tomorrow night, but she also has her profile picture on her facebook page set to a picture of someone from Harry Potter.
Funny, yet sad, story about me: while I was typing out this part of the blog, instead of putting Harry Potter at first I put Hairy Potter. And no I did not realize I had made that mistake until about the 10th time I looked at it. But anyway, I thought that was too funny not to share...

#7: She uses big words.
Okay so maybe they aren't "big" words, but she has a good vocabulary. Maybe that's a better way of putting it. For instance, in her about me section on facebook this is what it says: "Some would say I'm quiet, but I like to think I'm shrouded in mystery." I mean really, who says shrouded?! Or maybe lots of people do and it's just me...

#8: She has her ditzy moments.
This is probably one of my favorite funny Hillary moments. Well, minus the story about something that she said at a few football games ago about half-time, but we won't get into that. Once upon a time, during Sophomore(?) year, Hillary and I were roaming around campus. I had a paper due in my history class on the Wilmington Race Riots of 1898 and I was talking to Hillary about it. Would you like to know what she asked me about this topic? "What were they racing, carriages?" I kid you not. 

#9: She loves to skip class.
For instance, this morning I woke up at 8:30 to get ready for my class and I open my door to go walk downstairs for some breakfast and what do I see across the hall from me?
Yes, this is Hillary's door closed with the lights out. Someone had class this morning at 8:30. Someone is still sleeping. Someone skipped. You should ask her about that one time she went to class to find a surprise test. That's what you get for skipping, Hills. (Okay, so yeah, I can't talk...I skip financial all the time and it's not even a morning class, opps?)

#10: She is an amazing friend!
Seriously, she is. She's one of the best friends I've made since being at college and I'm so glad I met her! She gives amazing advice and pep talks when you're feeling down, and she's just as goofy as me. If you don't have Hilldy in your life, you're missing out.

And there you have it. That's Hillary Scales in a nut shell, she da bomb. And because I am sure that you all will enjoy this so much, get ready for a blog post sometime in the near future about my other best friend, A.Farin!

That's all for now...


1 comment:

  1. i approve.

    except i can't believe you didn't mention my deep passionate love for bearded men.

    "oh my gosh! is halftime over already????"
