Friday, June 10, 2011

Some Things I've Realized...

Helllooooo bloggies. I've kind of disappeared for a while, whoopsy! Life has been absolutely non-stop busy for me, it's just go, go, go, all the time. I'm so ready for my week of relaxation at the beach where I can do nothing put play in the waves and read! Too bad I have to wait until August...

In all this mess that is my life, I have come to realize a few things...

#1: It is quite possible to be addicted to tanning/the pool/being outside in the heat.

For the past 3 weekends I have either been at the beach, the pool, or a combination of the two. Seriously, I'm loving that it's finally Summer! I love the heat, the bright sunshine, the summer thunderstorms, being TAN, sandals, bare legs,'s all my favorite :)

#2: Being stuck inside for a majority of the day either in a class or working is NOT ideal during the Summer.

#3: Having an iPhone is kiiiinda really exciting.

I finally have a smart phone! I can play games during class! I can surf the Internet whenever I want! I can take fun pictures and share them with all my friends! Let's just not talk about how much I paid for it...

#4: Arts & Crafts are fun
...I just wish I had more time for them this Summer!

I did do one fun little arts and crafts type thing recently though.

My roommate just recently graduated from College and I was kind of clueless as to what to get her. I wanted to get her something cheap (I'm a poor college student, what can I say?), cute, and useful.

Well, what's one of the biggest things college graduates struggle with? Finding a job! And yes, my roommate is definitely struggling with this. So, I knew I wanted to give her some type of book with little verses or quotes of encouragement, to keep her from not getting too discouraged during this crazy time. In the end I decided on buying her a mini bible and filling it with sticky notes of my favorite verses. It turned out to be simple, cute, cheap, easy, and perfect for a college grad!

#5: It's really hard to listen to headphones while working and not want to sing out loud. Especially when it's Glee you're listening to...

#6: There is nothing healthy about letting people get under your skin and there is no reason for feeling as though you're not good enough.

Without getting too deep here, this has been something that I've been struggling with over the past few days. I haven't felt important or good enough compared to other people. Key words there: compared to other people. Lately I have done nothing but compared myself and my accomplishments to other people and what they've done and this is in no way healthy! It's just brought me down and made me feel bad about myself and my talent. So, lately I've kind of been trying to think less of what that person is doing and instead turn to God for guidance and focus on the plans that He has for me. And, of course...I googled some encouraging bible verses :)

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." -- Galatians 5:1

"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." -- Psalm 25:4-5

#7: Some guys out there are complete JERKS.

More specifically, Bentley from The Bachelorette (yes, I watch this ridiculous show) is a JERK.


Some background information for those of you that haven't watched: Ashley (previously on The Bachelor) is the new bachelorette and before the show started she was warned of this guy named Bentley. A friend told her that he might not be there for the right reasons and that he was really just interested in promoting his business. Silly Ashley still fell for his charm and ignored her friend (and Chris Harrison's warnings) and believed him anyway, even after he left because he "missed his daughter."

This is such bogus. The thing that amazes me the most about this whole situation is how this guy came off as someone completely different in front of the camera, and in front of Ashley. Heck, I would have believed him had I not heard all of the mean things he was saying when no one was around but the camera. Do all guys have the capability of lying like this? It's ridiculous.

Some examples of the things he said...

"The competition makes it exciting, competing for her. That's the extent in terms of my interest. You know, I mean, she's just not my type." -- and yet he still continued to lead her on...

On marrying Ashley: "I mean, that just sounds terrible. I would literally rather be, like, swimming in pee than trying to plan my wedding with her. Because I'm not thinking like, omigosh, this is like the girl of my dreams. I'm thinking, like, she's not my type."

On his plans to leave the show: "I came in thinking that Ashley was not attractive at all. I'm not feeling it. ... I'm gonna make Ashley cry. I hope my hair looks OK." -- seriously?!?

Ladies, if you meet this guy on the street...just run away.

#8: Fridays are wonderful.

Especially when you have NOTHING planned after work (for the first time all week!) and can finally relax annnd prepare for a trip here tomorrow...

So flippin' excited! I haven't been to the Biltmore house since middle school, and to make this trip even better... my ticket was freeee! (thank you laura!) So what if I have to get up before the sun tomorrow morning? I can't wait :)

Happy Friday and have a gloooorious weekend!

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