Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Almost a year ago (July 10th, 2009 to be exact) I went down to Florida with 2 of my friends and while at Daytona beach for the day I fell in love with this little guy:

This is Squirt. My cute little yellow(?) eared slider. At about an inch long he is the most precious turtle I've ever laid eyes on. When I first got him I knew he was perfect for me!

Although he moved from an apartment sized home to a mansion sized home, he stayed the same size for all of his life. A life that was unfortunately way to short. :(

I recently went away to D.C. for 5 days and although he was in the good hands of my roommate Danella (http://danellamariesthoughts.blogspot.com/) he still passed away. Don't know how or why but it sadly happened, although it's still a little hard for me to believe. But he lived a wonderful life with tons of people that loved him, and that's all that matters!

He had a friend kitty to protect him from all the big bad guys while he was at my house.

He had people who loved to hold him and play with him.
Although most were scared of getting salmonella (hnscales).

And he had a mommy who loved him to pieces!!!!

So Rest In Peace Squirt! You were the most precious, well behaved, best turtle ever and by far my favorite...I will never forget you!

D.C. pictures soon, I promise!


1 comment:

  1. The only turtle known to do yoga. (And do it darn well, I might add)
