Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Today was my first day as a marketing intern at SAS.

And who do I meet in the elevator?

None other than the CEO of SAS.

This stuff just doesn't happen.

Especially to a marketing intern on their first day.

I'm still in shock.

Here's how it all went down, I know you're dying to know...

So, I'm on the way to lunch with a few of my colleagues that I just met. We're all in the elevator and the doors are trying to close until this really tall, older looking man comes up and stops the elevator. He then gets into the elevator and says some remark like "these elevators must know me, they stay open for me!" Then the elevators attempt to close yet again but aren't able to because this time his elbow is in the way. And he says, "see, it even knows my elbow!" We all laugh at his silly jokes and I'm silently thinking to myself: Who is this guy? Why would the elevators know him? But then I decided that he's just some long time SAS employee and so I thought nothing more about it. There was a strange silence for all of 5 seconds and then my new boss turns to the tall, older looking man and says, "So I'd like you to meet our newest marketing intern, she just started today, and actually both of her parents work at SAS!" Yet another person for me to meet, another name to try and remember, I think to myself. So I politely shake his hand and say "Hi, I'm Brittany, nice to meet you!" and he says (something along these lines) "Oh, that's great... I'm Jim Goodnight, nice to meet you" ummm did he just say Jim Goodnight?! Aka the CEO of SAS, the NUMBER ONE company in the Fortune 500?!! Oh my gosh! I was speechless, and grinning from ear to ear. I don't think it really sunk in what had just happened. So then Dr. Goodnight said something like "ah, nepotism I see. You know, so-and-so (I don't remember who) always says that nepotism is a good thing as long as you keep it in the family!" haha! Not only is he just a normal (although super tall), nice guy...but he's got jokes too! I was definitely very impressed, and he successfully made my first day at SAS a very memorable (and exciting) one! :)



  1. What a great experience. And it's so nice to see he's just an average guy when it comes to relating to people. No high and mighty "I'm better than you" attitude.
