Friday, February 10, 2012

Bucket List

For graduation, instead of getting a fancy piece of jewelry or something materialistic that would end up meaning little to nothing down the road, I preferred to go on a trip with my mom to celebrate! Recently, we've been in the planning stages of this trip and although it should be exciting and fun to plan, it's been kind of stressful. I've realized that there's a lot that I want to do and many places that I want to explore...and our budget doesn't quite cover all of that for a little graduation trip.

So all of this has got me thinking about my Bucket List. What am I going to accomplish before I die? There are many things I'd like to do, many places I'd like to's almost impossible to list them all. But either way, I've tried. Here are some things on my Bucket List... don't judge.

Brittany's Bucket List!

Have a dog (of course). I'm hoping that this will happen sooner rather than later :)

This is me and my sweet pup, Lucky, before she passed away in 2008.

Travel, travel, travel! - Europe, South America, Iceland, the West Coast....

See the Northern Lights, and get fantastic pictures of them.

Marry a wonderful man that is the love of my life who is so in love with God - and myself of course ;)

Ryan Gosling would do just fine.

Ride in a hot air balloon

Become a professional photographer - whether it's that I have my own business, or that I'm working as a sports photographer, or for National Geographic...

You know you want to hire me.

See the Iguassu Falls

Go on a safari in Africa

Have a job that I love, one that I'm excited to go to everyday

I could definitely be president.

Learn to play the piano again


Hike the Inca Trail - the whole 4 day trek!

Run a marathon, preferably the Nike Women's Marathon...I'm trying to get a Tiffany's Necklace ;)

Become a mom - and show my kids unconditional love the way my mom showed me and my brother.

Lead someone to God

Live and work in another country for a little while

Go on a trip and help others in underdeveloped areas

Stay in a hut in the water in Bora Bora

This place would be ideal.

Have a photography studio, even if it's just in my house

Run a race in a foreign country.

Teach photography to kids

Road trip across the United States, stopping at all of the key spots

Obviously this is an ever growing list, for all I know it may be twice this long in a few months! Here's to hoping that I can at least accomplish half of these things...but first I think I'm going to need to find some pretty adventurous friends (or husband!) to do all of these things with :)

So, what's on your bucket list?


Oh, and about that graduation trip...when I first started writing this post it was still in the planning stages, but now we are booked and ready to roll! I'll save all the details for another post :)


  1. What an awesome bucket list!! I would love to get a dog too.. hopefully soon!
    And I really want to travel a lot when I'm done with school too.. I love to travel so much!

  2. Thanks! I hope I can do some more traveling soon too... I just hate that it has to cost so much money! ha :)

  3. so i dont really have a bucket list and have done a lot of things that would have been on it if i did have one, but i think my #1 thing i am wanting to do is volunteer abroad. im hoping to do it in india or somewhere else this year though...hopefully plans will work :)

    1. that would be awesome! i would love to volunteer or work abroad! i think it's so awesome that you're living abroad right now too...i really hope to have a chance to do that soon, even if it's just for a little.
