Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Got Six?

As most of you know (if you were connected with the world in any way this weekend) my Steelers lost the Super Bowl. My dad couldn't have said it better though, "Packers did not win the Super Bowl, the Steelers lost it! Still love my boys of black and gold!!" You know it's true. And hey, we still have six Super Bowl wins...who else can say that? Oh yeah...no one :)

So although I would have liked a better outcome, being in Pittsburgh with my cousin was still a blast!

The Strip was insane, filled with all kinds of fun characters dressed in black and gold:

We even managed to pop in to Bettis' on game day (3 hours and 30 minutes prior to kick off to be exact) to see the NFL network broadcast live:

I know you can't see them because of the poor quality, but I promise the cameras and crew are back there :)

Then we finally made it to our destination to sit, eat, and drink for 3 hours while waiting for the game to start:

All in all it was a good weekend and it felt great to be cheering with other people as passionate about the Steelers as I am! And hey...there's always next year, right? ;)


  1. ^pro pic that shiz.

  2. There are like a million pictures up there...you mean the first picture though, right?
