Thursday, February 10, 2011

I want Pizza! P-I-Z-Z-A!

Tonight I made my own dinner! As in I actually cooked dinner. I didn't heat a lean cuisine in the microwave and I didn't buy fast food. I made it all own my own.

Granted, it was just pizza. But hey, that's big for me!

Before it was cooked...
And after!
It was so yummy :) And now I have enough leftovers to last me for at least a few days!

I even decided to sit and eat at our table in our lovely kitchen, that we hardly ever use.

Ain't it so cute?!

My pizza night was almost as good as Mary Kate and Ashley's pizza night, but not quite. The only way it would have been complete is if I had sang an awesome song with my friends, and then slowed it down...

For some reason this video makes my roommate and I die laughing. We're cool. 

But for real, how many of you remember that movie? I was all about some MK & Ashley! The real version of this song is HERE, in case you're curious.

Complete and total side note: My awesome roommate is sitting in her room right now, literally going insane. Who sits and plays a clip from an old movie and quotes it word for word? Oh yeah, she does. And I mean literally...word for word, right along with it. She's also been singing THIS all night. Seriously, insane. We all have our moments though...

Now I'm off to attempt to get some work done. Happy (almost) Weekend!


  1. you're jealous of my quoting skillzzzz.

    but on the real, that pizza looks delish.

  2. your dining room is so cute! i want that set of furniture!

  3. #1. This song (the original, which I just watched at two in the morning by myself which is pretty scary), just gave me a massive headache.

    #2. Why is that boy's voice so high?

    #3. Saying "Whipped cream pouring like waterfalls" while white cream spills from a can is not something that a child should ever do or say.

    #4. I've read interviews from the Olsen twins recently, and they regret all of these old movies. They said that they felt like puppets.

    #5. Now I understand why my mom wouldn't let me watch those movies when I was little. Or go on auditions.

    Hahahaha buzzzzzkilllll!!!!!!!!!

  4. P.S. I just listened to the slow version and I love it. It just made my life better, thank you :)

  5. hahahaha lauren your comment cracked me up. and just an fyi that "boy" is a girl.... hahaha
