Monday, November 7, 2011

Mixed Emotions

On this glorious Monday morning I have quite a bit of mixed emotions regarding this weekend. Half of me is so happy and proud and the other half of me feels like my heart was ripped out, stomped on, and then broken into little tiny pieces. And the cause of these mixed emotions? Football. Whatswrongwithmeeeee?!

Rewind back to the beginning of this weekend. I had been waiting for it for sooo long and I knew it was going to be such an exciting weekend in terms of football. NC State was playing UNC on Saturday (we're kind of rivals and we strongly dislike UNC, and all of that dislike grew even more based on comments that were made throughout the week, but more on that in a bit...) and on Sunday night the Steelers and Ravens were playing each other (yet another BIG rivalry, and another team that I HATE, those dirty dirty birds). So clearly, some shhh was about to go down this weekend.

Saturday consisted of waking up early for a run and then heading straight to the parking lots to go tailgate and drink some yummy mimosas (game time was at 12:30 and I was not about to have beer before having a proper lunch...heellooo no).

Cheers to the sun in our faces and mimosas in our bellies!

After classily drinking chugging our mimosas, we headed in to the stadium for GAME TIME! So pumped you don't even know!

This is what a winning team's stadium looks like. (haha)

So, let me mention some history. First off, this past week, UNC's head coach was talking straight smack about NC State, not cool at all. For instance...

 “When you have as many schools in this state as we have, and recruiting base gets watered down a bit, I think the kids in this state need to know the flagship school in this state,” Withers said. “They need to know it academically. If you look at our graduation rates, as opposed to our opponent’s this week, graduation rates for athletics, for football, you’ll see a difference. ... If you look at the educational environment here, I think you’ll see a difference.”

Excuse me?! Talk smack about the upcoming game all you want, but don't start hating on our school in general. That does not sit well with us NC State students, no siry.

Stole this from someone off facebook, don't really know who's pic it is originally.

And shall we remind you, Withers, about Philip Rivers?

Anyway, along with all that mess this week, for the past 4 years (aka the 4 years of my college career) NC State has beat UNC in football and the games have been filled with so much energy and excitement, I just love it! Well, this year was no different. We beat them for a FIFTH year in a row (and also my last "year" at NC State...what a perfect ending!) and it was wonderful. Not only did we win, but we shut those suckas out, 13-0. Weeeeee :)

Happy Roomies!

The rest of the afternoon we tiredly wandered around the mall for two hours waiting for some Cheesecake Factory. Let me just say, by the time we finally did sit down and eat it was the best.meal.ever.

And now on to Sunday. Honestly, all I did was study all day like a big fat loser until the game at 8:30. My stomach was all kinds of messed up once game time arrived, I was so so so nervous. I'm not sure that y'all understand the greatness and importance of this game. IT'S A BIG DEAL.

Overall, this game was played much better than our last game vs the Ravens, aka the worst game ever played. Let's not go into the details of that game though. Basically, the game was close the whole entire time and in the end it all came down to the last few seconds. The Steelers were up by 3 after an amazing turnover and a touchdown. The Ravens got the ball, and we stopped them. We were on FIRE! We got the ball, and did sadly nothing with it. I could go on here about some bogus ref calls, slash I could mention quite a few calls that were messed up in this game...but I'll refrain. So the Ravens got the ball back and started making some progress down the field. NOOOOO. Pretty sure at this point I looked like this...

I found this pic on google, but now that I'm trying to find it again to get the source I can't...

I feel your pain, Ben.

There was less than a minute left and the Ravens needed a touchdown to win or a field goal to tie it up. They were quickly approaching FG range, causing me to have a mini heart attack, but my D was still stopping them and the momentum in that stadium was CRAZY (from what I could tell anyway). Well, with around 16(?) seconds left, the stupid stupid stupid stupid Ravens threw a long pass for a touchdown. SERIOUSLY?! Disbelief. Shock. Heartbroken. Tears.


Pretty sure I looked something like that. It was attractive.

Some friends came over the watch the game (non-steelers friends, might I add...) and when the Ravens got that touchdown it got so quiet in that apartment I'm pretty sure you could have heard a pin drop. I think everyone was too scared to say something (let alone joke about the Steelers) because if they said one wrong thing I might have injured them. This is probably true though.

So, needless to say... I cried myself to sleep last night. Juuuuuust kidding! Although had friends not come over and caused a happy distraction once the game was over I'm pretty sure I might have.

And that concludes my fun (sad) filled football weekend. Training update coming soon :)

See ya, 


  1. Brittany loves football.

    (Summary of this blog post)

  2. we should totally be blog friends. ;o) we have the exact same football taste. ;o)

  3. (and make sure you check out my pic with Big Ben as it was UNREAL how tall he is... he takes "Big" to a whole new height!) ;o)
