Thursday, November 3, 2011

Training: Week Five

I'm a truly awful blogger. Sorrrry yall. But I'm back, with yet another training update from last week!

Monday: nada :)

Tuesday: 2 miles ~20 minutes. REALLY good run! It felt amazing outside, my feet didn't go numb, and at the end of the 2 miles I even wanted to keep running.

Wednesday: 3 miles ~33 minutes. Another wonderful run! I ran outside again in the gorgeous weather, and this time I ran on same trails that run throughout our campus at work. It was so beautiful, and no numb feet!

I get some really good pictures when I attempt to keep running and take them on my phone, clearly...

Thursday: 2.1 ~20 minutes, ran outside and no numb feet.

Friday: rest!

Saturday: 3.03 ~32 minutes. I ran outside in the coooold and windy morning! It had been raining all morning but luckily by the time I decided to go running it had stopped! It was still overcast and windy and cold though. But all in all the run was good, and numb feet!!

Sunday: ended up not being able to run so instead I decided to do my 4 miles on Monday.

Monday: 4 miles ~40 minutes and it went wonderfully!!! My feet did NOT go numb which is truly amazing! The last time I did the 4 miles was horrible because my feet just kept going numb and I was miserable so I was truly sooo happy that I could do these without numb feet and without walking! I stopped to stretch a few times, which I think helped with the feet!

All in all it was a great week of training! I'm feeling so good about running and I know that this is all thanks to God :) I can't wait to run longer miles and do this half marathon!!


So I realize that I still have yet to share anything about my cousin and I's little mini-vacation to the beach, but I'm working on it! ...kind of. Poor little blog has taken a back seat to everything else in my crazy life. So, until I finish a post about the beach, I'll leave you with my roommate and I's wonderful Halloween costumes from this year...

I pulled it straight off of facebook, so sorry for the quality!

I give you flapper and kitty. Smokin' hott, I know.

I seriously loved my outfit (although I don't have a really good picture of it) and make-up and am really trying to brainstorm other places that I can wear this bad boy. Not coming up with any genius ideas yet though...

Happy Thursday kiddos,

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