Friday, November 18, 2011

My First Running Injury?

I'm sorry I'm not sorry that the only interesting? thing I can find to blog about is running. But here goes...

On Wednesday I went for a quick little 2 mile run and my left ankle was kind of tight and a little sore. It wasn't enough to make me stop running, I didn't really think it was anything...just that maybe I need to stretch some more and soon it would go away.

Well, it's Friday and IT STILL HURTS.

But it's weird, because it's not like my whole ankle, but instead just the outside of it.

I have awesome Paint skills, I know.

Side note: I just googled "ankle bown" instead of bone. What's wrong with me?!

So I guess it's my Fibula that hurts? Yesterday it was swollen too which was no fun. It's not really that obvious or swollen that much, but you can still kind of tell if you're looking for it. I did ice it when I got home let's hope that helped! I can't really tell if it's swollen today or not. It looks like it is to me, but I'm not sure if that's just my eyes playing tricks on me or not. Plus, have you ever tried to compare your ankle bones? It's hard!

I took a break yesterday from running and today is technically a rest day, so we'll see how tomorrow and Sunday go!

Anyone else have this problem? Or know what could have happened?

In other news... I graduate in just 29 days!! Weird.


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