Sunday, November 13, 2011

Training: Week Seven

Another week of training down....woohooo!

Monday: nada

Tuesday: Apparently Tuesday's are just not a good running day for me. Once again, no run.

Wednesday: 3.01 miles - 27 minutes, outside after class. It was a good run, I felt like a beast.

See? Beast mode.

Thursday: 2.02 miles - 18:29 minutes, outside. I think I was actually supposed to do 2 1/2 miles today, but I was kind of pressed for time and just feeling overall blaaah. Plus, it was sprinkling and cold and my right calf muscle was hurting me pretty bad for some reason. I'm thinking I haven't been stretching enough? It continued to hurt after my run too...

Friday: rest day

Saturday: 32 mins of cross training (1.24 miles on the elliptical thing). I went to my apartment gym and was the only one there (score!) so I turned on the TV to find HP on. I was entertained and because of it I even decided to do some weights. Did some arm stuff, leg stuff, and ab stuff. My arms hate me now.

Sunday: 4.04 miles - 40:15 mins. Eeeeehhh run was okay. It was GORGEOUS outside (I'm loving this weather in the 60's and 70's, eeeek!) which made the run nice, but I think I'm still not stretching as much as I should after running slash in general. My right calf was still pretty tight and sore, and about 2 1/2 miles in my right foot started to go numb, waaaah. I stopped to stretch a few times before that, but still numbness. I toughed it out though and just ran through it, and eventually it went away a bit and it wasn't so bad, but my calf was still hurting. It still hurt after the run too so I tried to ice it some. Unfortunately it's still kind of tight now... maybe I just need to do more stretching?

Overall, not a bad week. This week my goal is to actually run on Tuesday! No more of this work out 4 times a week when I should be doing 5!!

In other news, today is National Guac Day, according to the NCSU Dining facebook page, so go make (or buy if you're lazy like me) yourself some yummy guacamole and chips and PIG OUT!!


Happy rest day! :)

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