Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday!

It's Monday. And the first day of classes. But today actually wasn't bad at all. I only had two classes, one at 9:10 and one at 10:15 and they flew by. I was done by 11:05 (sweet!) and was supposed to go into work, but my mom was freaking out about the supposedly 'awful' weather and suggested that I work from home. Fine by me!

So before I continue, you should know that decorating my room has been a very long and drawn out process. I didn't have what I needed to hang the dry erase board above my desk, the 6 cute square mirrors above my dresser all eventually fell down (thanks wal-mart "mirror" tape), and the shelves that I had hung up in my last apartment are a downright PAIN to hang. But now, it is all done! And it's clean!

I finally got a real mirror that will actually stay hung up: (but unfortunately the nasty tape from the other mirrors is still stuck on my wall...)

And check it out, I finally got curtains too!

Instead of figuring out those obnoxious shelves, I decided to do something a little easier and I bought a book shelf. This is what went down today: I got home from class, snacked on a few things, then decided to head out to Target to buy the bookshelf that I found (for only $19.99!) online. So here's why I rock (calm down people I'm not that conceited, I'm only joking, sort of...): I went by myself. This sucker was heavy! I was kind of worried about it being heavy and me going alone and not being able to carry it, but I did it. I don't need no man!

And to top it off, I went home and assembled this bad boy all on my own, and look how gorgeous it is:

I love it! And it goes perfectly with my dresser and night stand. 

Meanwhile, while I'm doing all of this building and cleaning and organizing, this is my roommate:

I guess we all can't have productive Monday's. Now to find myself some dinner...



  1. it looks like i have a pepper grinder sitting on my nightstand.

  2. Woooo go Brittany! I love the Disney picture you put on the bookshelf (minus the fact that I know I look horrible in that one, but I still love it!). I need that productivity for tomorrow, I came back to a stack of magazines the size of Antarctica and I want to get organized before school really starts.
