Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just Showin' Off

I should be studying for a quiz that I have in about 2 hours, but instead I wanted to show off something that I am quite proud of to all of my lovely blog readers :) slash honestly, do I even have blog readers? probably not. 

Yesterday, I spent the  majority of my night playing around with Photoshop to create a new watermark for my pictures. I'm still in the process of working on my website slash mainly getting pictures uploaded to the website, and part of this process includes updating all my pictures with a sweet new watermark. So, check it out...

It's not much, but that's why I like it. It's simple! And soon (hopefully) I will finally be done with my webpage and it will be amazing!

But for now I unfortunately have to study. Can't we just go to classes but not do any work outside of class? That'd be ideal. Or college without classes? Let me just call up the Dean real fast...


  1. I love it! It's so cute and so you :) I can't wait to see it on my headshots! :)

  2. I like it a lot! Yayy for professionalism!
