Friday, May 6, 2011


Today is a day for the history books, y'all. I am finally venturing on over to Ararat, Virginia. Never heard of it? Not surprising. It's this little town (is it even considered a town?) near Mt Airy where my Roommie is from. Just in case you're interested in a bit more about it, here's some good reading material for you: The South Will Rise Again, Yaw People! Yes, that's my roommates blog post and yes that is where I'm going. Apparently they only have one stop light, and it's not even a real stop light, it's a blinking light. My home town of Fuquay isn't looking so small anymore...

So my reason for spending a night in Ararat? Well, other than the fact that I have always wanted to go (apparently it's in the mountains...a photographer's dream!), we are going to run a 5k tomorrow. Yes, we. If you know my roommate you might be shocked, but it's for real! I'm so excited :)

To prepare for tomorrow, I'm eating really healthy all day today...

Nothing says healthy like eating a cookie the size of your face! Yuuummm. As you can tell I'm not too worried about this race tomorrow.

But I guess now I should pack. I'll be back tomorrow (or more realistically, Sunday) with pictures and stories!

Happy Friday,

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