Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget

I had a whole post typed out and ready to be published, after adding in some pictures, and now it's gone. I saved it though, so where did it go?! Silly blogger probably deleted it when it had all the problems this weekend. Boo.

So anyway, I have been thinking for a while about what I wish I could forget. I've come to the conclusion that I honestly don't think I want to forget anything. Yeah, I've gone through some really tough times, but those moments have made me who I am today. It was also during those times that I was taught to truly rely on God, and in the end my relationship with Him only strengthened. So, here are some wonderful things that I hope I never forget...

Spending a wonderful day with family

Losing and finding my wallet in Italy while studying abroad

Random road trips with friends

Orlando for the NCSU Bowl Game

The excitement and adrenaline that I felt during my first real photography gig

Hooray camera phones

How it felt to be in love


The wonderful times spent during Sophomore year in The Tree House

The amazing summers spent with my YMCA family

Breakfast's in the apartment at U. Village

Hearing a really good sermon that speaks right to your heart
I don't really have a picture for this. But go here and look for the sermon from May 15th! I'm not sure when it will be up there, but I'm hoping soon. It was a great sermon.

NC State Football

First trip to Pittsburgh for my first Steelers game

The absolute JOY that I felt due to meeting my crush, Engin Atsur
(don't worry, I'll have a whole post devoted to this night soon)

and lastly, life with Lucky

There have been so many other unforgettable moments in my life, but I probably shouldn't make this post any longer than it already is ;) Have a wonderful and happy Tuesday!


  1. That was so great, Brittany! I'm so glad that I've been a part of some of those moments! I'm going to ask my editor if he can still put the Art to Wear piece up, even though it's way old, just so that you're published. I'm sorry he hasn't done it yet! I was also just thinking about those amazing breakfasts that you guys used to have, I really miss them! Loveee you!

  2. Awww thanks girl!! We'll just have to have some amazing breakfasts this summer at our townhome :)

  3. Yes please! Especially on rainy days, and then we can watch movies!

  4. Ohhhh yes! Next rainy weekend :)
