Monday, April 4, 2011


Day 12: A picture of something you love. 

There are about a million things in life that I love. So instead of making this post incredibly long, I'm going to just focus on the things that I'm loving today

#1: Easter colored sprinkles on my donut this morning :)

#2: Wearing my new sandals on this beautiful day!

#3: Playing with my new LENS!
Possibly my best purchase ever... 

#4: Getting a fresh new hair cut (sure it doesn't look much shorter, but it feels and smells wonderful)

#5: Hines Ward on Dancing with the Stars

and lastly...
#6: The gorgeous and warm weather that is in our future! (minus tomorrow and the possible tornadoes, although I do enjoy a good thunderstorm)

Have a happy week full of things you love!



  1. Yayy I was hoping you'd have a post for me to read today! Cute sandals, and your hair looks awesome!

  2. thanks geel! now you need to post something for me to read!! :)
