Saturday, April 2, 2011

I don't even feel like blogging right now.

Honestly, I don't. I feel like crawling up in my warm bed and just doing nothing. Maybe a little reading, maybe I'll watch some Sex and the City, maybe I'll play some words with friends, or maybe I'll just sleep. Either way I don't feel like blogging, so I'm sorry if this post is lacking in many ways, I just feel like I need to stick with this 30 day photo challenge. So, enjoy... 

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

Okay so I honestly don't do that many messed up things. Not compared to other people anyway, or by other people's definition of "messed up." But, if I had to choose, I'd have to choose two people...

1. Hillary Scales

Doesn't she just look so hardcore?!

So we just do weird stuff and act crazy/goofy when we're out. It's not really 'messed up' but whatever.

2. Lauren Shute

Lauren is insane, in a good way. I find myself doing crazy things that I probably wouldn't do if she weren't around to encourage me...which is just one of the reasons why she's such a great friend, of course! She's also quite the rebel herself. I mean who else sneaks out of a parking garage in D.C. and then says, "you know how my goal is to go to jail..." She's got some big dreams, folks. So I'd have to say a night out with Lauren is unpredictable, and yea, maybe sometimes we do 'messed up' things.

Paz&Amor (haha),


  1. bahahahaha omg Brittany you are amazing. I LOVED that day in D.C., that was hilarious. And don't forget that I drove for awhile without headlights on right after I squeezed in between the parking gate and the curb. I'm glad that I get you to do crazy stuff, that's what it's all about you know!

  2. P.S. You WOULD pick that picture to represent my craziness
