Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life Goals

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Oh gosh, where to begin?

#1: Travel the World


Maybe if I buy this pin and wear it around everyday, people will just give me donations to make my dream feasible... 

#2: Live and work somewhere other than NC for a few years
(maybe even another country...)


The world is at my fingertips, haha... 

#3: Be a Photographer!


Yep, this will be me.

#4: Settle down and have a family

This is the newest edition to our extended family and I am so in love. He is so precious and tiny and sweet!

I guess those are the big ones. Granted, there are a MILLION other things I want to do before I die, but that would make this post way too long and I'm too lazy :)

Sorry for the lack of original pictures, I'm a little burnt out. Time to read. Or sleep. 



  1. Is that your wonderful Aunt and Uncle's house in that picture? It looks just like it! Say hi to them from me the next time you talk to them, they're so sweet!

  2. haha yes it is! i most certainly will :)
