Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bad Dancing and Celebration

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity

This one's kind of hard. I don't think much about what I'm insecure about, in fact I like to think I'm not that insecure about a lot of things? But one thing did pop into my head when I read what today's picture was... 

I'm a terrible dancer. And believe it or not, sometimes I get insecure about my dancing, especially when we're out at some bar or club and there's dancing and I'm still 100% sober. This actually wasn't one of those times though. I got called up on stage during Spring Break and it turns out that I had a blast "dancing" and making a fool of myself. But in many other instances I can be pretty insecure about my dance moves.


This weekend was Easter and I went home to be with the family to celebrate Jesus death and resurrection!

We made pizza's:

We played my favorite childhood game, Skip-Bo:

We continued our tradition of a picture under the cross at church:

We went to my grandparents for a yummy lunch and many more family pictures:

and lots of laughing...

We went for an after lunch walk to attempt to burn off all the calories:

Grandad even did some gardening...

I finally got Grandmom to smile in a picture with me:

and look, smiles from both my grandparents! If only this picture were in focus...

And then there was Roger, just being his usual self:

But Happy 7th Anniversary to him and mom!

I had an amazing weekend with my family and the weather was gorgeous, I couldn't have asked for a better last break before the end of the semester craziness!

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." - 1 John 3:16

Happy Tuesday!

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