Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Only in a Jeep Part II

Remember a month ago when I blogged about how ridiculous my jeep was? If not, refresh your memory here

Well, exactly a month later, I am blogging again to say that my jeep sucks.

Here's what happened:
I went out with some friends Saturday night and decided to be the driver for the night. So we're out, just doing our thing, it's whatever (If you're really curious to read about how our night went down, go to Hilldy's blog and read about it here, it's amusing...and maybe a bit sad).

At the end of the night we all head back to my car, ready to get out of there and get some sleep (boo for losing an hour), but when I turn on my car, put it in reverse, and attempt to cut the wheel to back up, nothing happens. My wheel decided that nope, it didn't want to turn. Not easily anyway. It took everything in me to attempt to move it just a little bit. Obviously I was unable to drive my stupid Jeep. Luckily we had someone much stronger with us, so after a few laps around the parking deck to practice, we maneuvered our way on to the road. The drive didn't consist of a lot of turns, so it wasn't that bad, but I still couldn't drive it and it sadly didn't just fix itself (although wouldn't it be nice if that happened?).

And as if that wasn't enough, on our drive the battery light decided to turn on (but I just changed my battery a year ago?) and my car started to overheat. Yay, fun! Three different problems, that seem totally unrelated. What in the world is happening with my car?!

So I had to get my car towed yesterday, and they took it to the shop where they then told me that apparently some belt piece or something is snapped off or gone and that piece makes the belt move, and when this certain belt moves it prevents the car from a) overheating b) the steering wheel not moving and c) the battery from failing. Or something like that. Somehow, this belt was tied in to all of these three things, and it decided to break, thus causing the rest to fail as well. I just LOVE my Jeep.

I'm ready to just follow in my brothers footsteps and sell the jeep and get a truck.

I'm kidding, kind of.


  1. "and maybe a bit sad"????

  2. That's horrible! There is nothing worse than car problems. Is it fixed now?

  3. hilldy- "maybe a bit sad" being how our night turned out. not your writing/blog.

    lauren- yes! it's fixed! i just got it back last night and we're bff's again :)

  4. ummm i'm sorry. i ended my night with max evans in my lap(top). i think i did good, kid.
